Something got wrong with my system and my *.flv clips are not playable anymore.
twg just shows thumbnails (.jpg files) for the each clip (.flv) file. I expect flash player to be shown.
Here is the error message form debug:
12.11.2011 20:08:43 (en) - ERROR 2 in /srv/http/twg186/inc/, line 401: getimagesize(cache/twg_flv_other_Trainspotting.jpg.thumb.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
twg_flv_other is directory with flv files.
Trainspotting.jpg is thumbnail of Trainspotting.flv resided in that directory.
File /srv/http/twg186/cache/twg_flv_other_Trainspotting.jpg.thumb.jpg exists.