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PostPosted: 21. Jan 2014, 02:28 

Joined: 21. Jan 2014, 02:18
Posts: 1
I am using Advanced iFrame version 5.3. It is saying that
"You reached the view limit for this month.
Please get the advanced iframe pro version.
Go to the administration for details."
This cannot be possible. Between December 19th and Today January 20th,
our whole website has only had 4,417 total pageviews. I checked all sources that could
be sending traffic through Advanced iFrame.
It currently says we have used 104.6% of our monthly limit.
What is going on? Is this a ploy to get people to buy the Pro version ?

PostPosted: 21. Jan 2014, 10:41 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
The internal counter is increased by one for each view for each iframe.
So if you have 2 iframes on one page you get 2 counts per view.

So how is your setup?

Have you checked if the counter was reseted at the beginning of the month?
Because you should have had a reset there already.

This plugin should stay free for personal websites. I actually plan to increase the view limit on request if I have verified that the website is personal.

Can you provide the url to your website?

Best, Michael

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