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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 15:05 

Joined: 1. Mar 2007, 14:30
Posts: 4

I really interested TWG but want to let visitors order prints of my images using paypal. Can I do this for visitors who register and provide an address? I obviously cannot provide prints for free and image files for high quality printing are far too large for web site storage.

I want to offer combinations of different print sizes/papers/mounts and postage/packing costs.



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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 15:15 
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where should they register ?

You can e.g. add a link to each image to paypal. How you setup paypal is then up to you.


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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 15:26 

Joined: 1. Mar 2007, 14:30
Posts: 4
I am wanting to encourage visitors browsing images to register. So that means having a registration class for visitors that differentiates them from users who can upload images.

I would like to get an action button (possibly labelled "order a print" )below each image that provides print options, carries and adds the chosen image to a " registered vistors cart" (or takes an "unregistered visitor" to the registration page if they are not already registered and returns them to the order page when registration is complete).

Just an aside on the registration question I am wondering if that could be done using using entries in a CMS database.

The code for paypal is easy to add - I am uncertain about the rest <chuckles>

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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 18:00 
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Sounds like a paypal cart - then this whole logic is done by them.
But I don't know how to setup this.

In TWG it's easy to add a like for each image with the image name included in the link dynamically. (howto28 tells you how this works).

Connectin to a cms is a lot of work because TWg has it'S own user/rights management - alsways hard to merge 2 independant systems.


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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 19:53 

Joined: 1. Mar 2007, 14:30
Posts: 4
I do not think I would have too much problem setting up the paypal cart stuff. I would need to have programmable action button (probably below the image) to hook the routine onto.

Would it be possible to extent the database to provide classes to manage the requirements (maybe do it for mysql 5.0 with a stored procedure)- or perhaps use an xml file to manage classes?
Each class having properties

possible classes might called
Class Name-----------------------------Properties
------------------------------------------registration-------upld buy
----------------------user---------------yes----------------no-----if addr
----------------------image providor---yes---------------yes-----if addr
and so on...
classes could be more easily extendable if an editable xml file was used (referenced outside of server root).

To which can be attached the various permissions, grants, restrictions etc that are needed.

just my 2 cents worth


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PostPosted: 1. Mar 2007, 22:56 
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hooking up is no problem as I said before.

And the other stuff you have to implement by yourself - or you adapt the usermanagment of TWG. TWG do not use a database - everything is stored in xml files.


PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 01:30 
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Well I am struggling a little here.

I have tried following the instructions in Howto 28 several times now but fail to get this working.

Would be nice if there was point by point instructions.

This is what I have done. but not sure where I went wrong
1. Modify config.php attributes for $image_txt_position, $image_txt_position and $image_file_is_multi as required in root folder.
2. Create a file image.txt (with some text inside it) and place this in the same folder as the image. Rename the file to the same name as the image and then add .txt after this

Should work as far as I can tell but it is not

Last edited by GTEM19889 on 24. May 2011, 09:01, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 07:33 
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You don't write what your exact problem is. So I cannot help you with this little information.

- Michael

PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 09:06 
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The problem is the content of the image.txt file is not displaying next to images.

$image_file_extension = 'txt';
$image_file_is_multi = true;

<div class="twg_text" style="text-align:right">
This is a test

I have even tried deleting cache on each modification, (is that necesarry?)

PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 09:12 
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don't set
$image_file_is_multi = true;

this means that you have only one file with a text for each image. See the howto what this means.

- Michael

PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 22:47 
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Thanks for that, after changing this I found the text on top of the image even though I had side defined in config.php

Later realised there was another config.php in the picture folder, which had top defined so changed this to side and then managed to get the text where I wanted it.

Truly brilliant app. A bit more work to do but thanks for the help so far

PostPosted: 24. May 2011, 23:24 
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I know that there are almost too many possibilities. But If you spend some time with it you can almost do whatever you like.

Best, Michael

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