I set $try_to_increase_memory_limit_to_32MB to true some time ago to try to increase the memorylimit. I had forgotten that - It is set to false now, and the memory limit is correctly set by php.ini.
Sorry for that.
The slideshow I had trouble with was the one that you get, when you click the little green film and the one that you get when you click on a large image and you get the final largest image size.
I just tested both slideshows now and it works perfectly.
Is it right, that gdlib must have taken its memory limit from $try_to_increase_memory_limit_to_32MB so the album could only work for images larger than 32M uncompressed with imagemagick until I followed your suggestion and fixed $try_to_increase_memory_limit_to_32MB?
Thank you for the quick (and very sharp) reply! It helped me a lot.
You know your stuff