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PostPosted: 17. Sep 2009, 17:07 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
I'v tried every FAQ I have found. I have registered JFU, so i should be able to upload more than 3MB, set it to 200MB in the php.ini and .htaccess. I can only upload 2MB files. Talked to the hoster and there is no limitation on the server. Can you please give me any other tips on how to solve this problem.
Every folder/files has its rights..

Server name:
PHP upload limit (in KB): 204800
PHP memory limit (in KB): 16384
Max. resize resolution: ~ 1930 x 1449
PHP max input time: 1800 s
PHP max execution time: 1800 s
Default socket timeout: 1800 s

On a h-sphere server..

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PostPosted: 17. Sep 2009, 17:26 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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where is your php.ini? put it into the tfu folder.

- Michael

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 00:31 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
I have tried that. Didnt help.. Any other ideas? :)

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 00:44 
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what does the flash say where the limit is?

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 00:44 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
Please select your files to upload. Upload maximum file size (per file): 200 MB.

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 08:46 
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Then the upload limit seems to be fine. Do you get any error message in the tfu.log or the server log?

So not even 3 mb fieles do work? I know about som server restictions of e.g. apache - but they are most of the time around 20-25 MB.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:14 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
cant find any error logs.. 1,5MB files works, but 2,5MB wont upload... strange to me..

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:17 
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have you tried a normal html upload on the server?
And are you already using JFU 2.10? Because there you can enable upload debugging manually in the tfu_config.php.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:30 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
havent tried normal html upload.

Im using 2.10. howo do i enable debugging?

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:33 
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in administration/components/com_joomla_flash_uploader/tfutfu_config.php

you find $enable_upload_debug = false;
set it it
$enable_upload_debug = true;

then each upload will debuged in tfu.log in the same directory.

then you see if the upload fails when you are in the tfu_upload.php or if bigger files are already blocked by your server somewhere.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:38 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
this is what i get out of that:

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 1. Config loaded

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 2. Authenification sucessfull

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 3. Directory read: ./../../../../upload

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 4. Check valid extension: 450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 4a. Extension valid.

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 5. Before move_uploaded_file : -> ./../../../../upload/450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 5a. after move_uploaded_file.

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 5b. retry move_uploaded_file : ./../../../../upload/450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 6. NOT uploaded.

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 9. End upload

09.18.2009 18:35:31 - 10. End store session

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:40 
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and how does it look with smaller files?

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:42 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 1. Config loaded

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 2. Authenification sucessfull

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 3. Directory read: ./../../../../upload

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 4. Check valid extension: any2icon.exe

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 4a. Extension valid.

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 5. Before move_uploaded_file : /tmp/php7AFa1d -> ./../../../../upload/any2icon.exe

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 5a. after move_uploaded_file.

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 6. Uploaded.

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 7. Internal preprocessing done.

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 9. End upload

09.18.2009 18:41:18 - 10. End store session

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 18:56 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
strage it seems your server does now allow bigger files out of the temp upload directory.

can you please opten tfu_upload.php

look for (line 97...):

$result = @move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filename);

and remove line 1 and 3 and change the 2nd to
$result = move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filename);

then the error of the upload should be displayed.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 19:04 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 1. Config loaded

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 2. Authenification sucessfull

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 3. Directory read: ./../../../../upload

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 4. Check valid extension: 450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 4a. Extension valid.

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 5. Before move_uploaded_file : -> ./../../../../upload/450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 5a. after move_uploaded_file.

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 5b. retry move_uploaded_file : ./../../../../upload/450d 690.jpg

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 6. NOT uploaded.

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 9. End upload

09.18.2009 19:01:01 - 10. End store session

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