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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 19:15 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
cant see any difference. any other ideas? :) i really want to use this uploader.

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PostPosted: 18. Sep 2009, 22:46 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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seems the move from the upload folder does not work on your server.
There seems to be a limit.

do you have access to your error log of the server?

can you upload bigger files with the normal internal media manager?

- Michael

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 15:36 

Joined: 9. Feb 2009, 18:16
Posts: 80
Location: Rochester, MN USA
I was having a similar problem with TFU. I have increased upload_max_filesize and memory_limit in php.ini which was located in three places:

The TFU window was picking up the correct upload_max_filesize (30mb), but files would upload and then fail. My debug (actually counters/_mydebug.out rather than tfu.log) looked similar to the debugs you posted. The files were 2 to 4mb.

I ended up copying the php.ini file to admin/upload/php.ini and so far (since late last night) it seems to have fixed the issue.

I have the memory limit cranked up to 120mb, but I'm just waiting for the PHP police to come after me :)

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 16:30 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
Thanks for tips, but unfortunately i didnt help me :)

Server name:
PHP upload limit (in KB): 204800
PHP memory limit (in KB): 122880
Max. resize resolution: ~ 5287 x 3970
PHP max input time: 1800 s
PHP max execution time: 1800 s
Default socket timeout: 60 s

Ive noticed something else very strange, The upload in Media in Joomla administration has stoped working for me as well, i cant choose to upload anything. Is this helpful information to solve my problem?

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 16:37 
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I think your server has a limitation when moving files from the php upload temp directory to the real place.

is display errors enabled on your server?

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 16:39 

Joined: 9. Feb 2009, 18:16
Posts: 80
Location: Rochester, MN USA
That's what my stuff was reading as well, but I had to put an additional copy of php.ini in admin/upload. Do you have a copy of it there?

As for the Joomla uploader, any chance you've upgraded your computer to Flash 10? Last I heard, Joomla's media uploader will not work with Flash 10. However, JFU is supposed to work with Flash 10.

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 16:40 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
No, I cant find any error files on my server.. Is there a way for me to decide my own temp directory in JFU?

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 16:44 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
trinkel: ok joomla upload problem solved. Ive Flash 10. and yes i tried to put the php.ini in my upload dir. didnt help me... :(

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 17:10 
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the php tmp upload folder is set in php.ini:


you always hat to remember that php.ini is not recursive. therefore it's needed everywhere wherer the settings have to be changed.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 17:45 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
maybe thats the problem, because i haven't change the php.ini file, do not have the access for that one as far as i can see. i have only made a .htaccess fil and placed in the dirs. and upload_tmp_dir can not be set in a .htaccess file, correct?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 18:06 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
I have created a php for showing the server values... #removed_broken_link

Can you have a look.. and see if there can be a problem

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 18:13 
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you can try to set
to a directory you have access and check if the file arrives there.

- Michael

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 18:31 

Joined: 14. Sep 2009, 23:32
Posts: 18
How can I change it, when i dont have access to my php.ini file.. dosent seem to work changing it in .htaccess.

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PostPosted: 19. Sep 2009, 18:53 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
this is the only way. Have you contacted your hoster - maybe they have an idea why the move_uploaded_file call does fail.

- Michae

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