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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2010, 17:57 

Joined: 19. Dec 2009, 14:47
Posts: 16
I have contacted my provider.
they have told me that their standart limitrequestbody is set to "0" infinite. But the suggested to add
LimitRequestBody 900000000
to the .htaccess which is in public_html folder

I did so and I managed to upload a 128MB file from a place with a very fast connection.

However when I tried a 150MB file it hanged at 5MB (not 2MB as it was earlier)
After that I tried again to upload 128MB and it now also hanged at 5MB (it worked before) after log out and log in it still didn't work.

I tried again from my home with another account and the 150MB file still hanged at 2MB. So for now it looks like that the connection speed does more influence thant the limit request body thing.

All "hangs" are after about 1-2 minutes.

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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2010, 20:11 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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which error do you get in the server log?

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PostPosted: 4. Jan 2010, 20:20 

Joined: 19. Dec 2009, 14:47
Posts: 16
at the moment the server log is always empty. I guess this is problem from my provider. I have informed him about that.

I would say that nothing has changed with my changes to the .htaccess.

I only found out that the "2MB upload hang" is dependent on the upload speed since when I tried from somewhere with higher upload speed I could "create" a consiten "5MB upload hang"..

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PostPosted: 5. Jan 2010, 18:45 

Joined: 19. Dec 2009, 14:47
Posts: 16
The behaviour / bug is 100% reproducable now:

every time when I START an upload bigger than 128MB I INSTANTLY get this error in the server log:
File does not exist: /home/subconsc/public_html/somuna/413.shtml

The files starts uploading and after exactly 30 seconds it hangs. When the upload speed is faster it still hangs at 30 seconds.

So these two numbers I can give to you.
bigger than 128MB
after 30 seconds

All files smaller than 128MB can upload for 30-60 minutes without interruption.

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PostPosted: 5. Jan 2010, 21:14 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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413 still sounds like a server error you get as return.

Only your hoster (or someone who knows this server) can help your here.

- Michael

PostPosted: 5. Jan 2010, 21:21 

Joined: 15. Jul 2009, 00:37
Posts: 9
I have the same problem at my server

in my php.ini file I have this settings

max_execution_time = 30
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 64M
post_max_size = 100M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 100M

Are this settings ok?? or can I change some thing, my upload stops at 63MBs


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PostPosted: 6. Jan 2010, 00:18 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
we already chated - hope your hoster can help you.

@analographi: Have you tried a standard html upload in Joomla?

- Michael

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