Code between lines 65 to 75:
65 if($_tview==NULL) $_tview=$GLOBALS["tview"];
66 if($_sview==NULL) $_tview=$GLOBALS["sview"];
67 if($_lang==NULL) $_lang=(isset($GLOBALS["lang"])?$GLOBALS["lang"]:NULL);
69 $link=$GLOBALS["script_name"]."?action=".$_action;
70 $link.="&dir=".urlencode($_dir);
71 if($_item!=NULL) $link.="&item=".urlencode($_item);
72 if($_order!=NULL) $link.="&order=".$_order;
73 if($_srt!=NULL) $link.="&srt=".$_srt;
74 if($_tview!=NULL) $link.="&tview=".$_tview;
75 if($_sview!=NULL) $link.="&sview=".$_tview;
Line 66: The value of sview is assigned to tview.
Line 75: The value of tview is assigned to sview.
Are these typos or is this just a false interpretation?