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PostPosted: 24. Mar 2011, 21:30 

Joined: 24. Mar 2011, 21:22
Posts: 4
I've installed JFU com and plugin. Everything looks good but there is one problem - when I'm using the JFU button and the image file is selected I can't insert image to the article - an image field is empty, insert field is not active even the file is selected.

Do you have any ideas to solve a problem?


 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 25. Mar 2011, 10:26 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
can you please check if you have any Javascript errors.
when selecting an image it should be inserted automatically below.

And which Joomla version and which editor do you use?

Make sure to use the latest version from the website. I had older versions in the forum which where not final.

and if you had older versions of JFU installed delete your browser cache!!!!
Most of the implementation is in the component. And if the old javascript file from the component is in the browser cache
it won't work!


 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 25. Mar 2011, 11:17 

Joined: 24. Mar 2011, 21:22
Posts: 4
joomla 1.6,
JFU downloaded from website - v2.13 - 12.03.2010. It's the first version that I installed
Editor: TinyMce or CKEditor

Error in Firefox:

Error: missing ) after argument list
Source File: javascript:setImage("3","<script%20type="text/javascript"><!--document.writeln('<'%20'scr'%20'ipt%20type="text/javascript"%20src="'%20(new%20Date()).getTime()%20'/script.js?id=ByCb8C7bJ.Xcx1as_KQaS7dMLU_8xFuVLYf3JEfKQ_b.B7"></'%20'scr'%20'ipt>');//--></script>EUROWIZJA%20[3].jpg","533","800<script%20type="text/javascript"><!--document.writeln('<'%20'scr'%20'ipt%20type="text/javascript"%20src="'%20(new%20Date()).getTime()%20'/script.js?id=ByCb8C7bJ.Xcx1as_KQaS7dMLU_8xFuVLYf3JEfKQ_b.B7"></'%20'scr'%20'ipt>');//--></script>")
Line: 1, Column: 114
Source Code:
setImage("3","<script type="text/javascript"><!--document.writeln('<' 'scr' 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="' (new Date()).getTime() '/script.j

 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 25. Mar 2011, 11:44 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
it seems that you have a hit counter that it automatically added to urls.

if you look at the code below you set a lot of stuff like ... ... where code is inserted in the middle of my code.

Do you have the editor public available as well? I want to see if this code is sent by the server or added dynamically by a script on the client.


 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 25. Mar 2011, 13:35 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
I think I have found the problem - it is really the code that is inserted automatically by your server.

I have already a solution for this. I will test this and make a new build tonight.
Simply check on the website when you see a new date at the download.
I will only increase the internal build number. So there will not be a new release because of this.

- Michael

 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 25. Mar 2011, 14:00 

Joined: 24. Mar 2011, 21:22
Posts: 4
That's great!! this section is added by host provider and it's related to page statistics.

 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 26. Mar 2011, 16:33 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Please give it a try.
Simply download the latest build and install the component again with the Joomla installer.


 Post subject: Re: JFU BUTTON PROBLEM
PostPosted: 26. Mar 2011, 21:21 

Joined: 24. Mar 2011, 21:22
Posts: 4

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