I have not changed anything other then uploading own images. I have not changed any font but I will just in case reupload them to make sure it was not a bad uploaded file... Will let you know.
I have been using twg for years ( Mine is registered ) but this is the first time I am using wordpress so still learning all the stuff about it. I did install the twg plugin and change the doman and path in the config file of twg. It worked well till I deleted the folders and uploaded my images.
The only two places to set a path
TinyWebGallery url
#removed_broken_linkEnter the full URL to your TWG installation. You have to include the full path including the index.php. e.g .
http://www.tinywebgallery.com/demo/index.php. Shortcode attribute: twg_url=""
And the other one is for the admin and that works.
Is there another setting?