That doesn't work. It only works for files, not folders. And even then, you can only hide a certain type of file... if you have hidden jpg files (.filename.jpg) that are hidden to the system, you either have to show them all or hide them all in JFU. That should be a fairly rare need, but the functionality should be there. The big thing (at least for me) is that there is no way to hide FOLDERS. I have a '.gallery' folder that shows a YOOgallery of photo proofs in a kind of slideshow... I want it to be located in the user's directory for convenience of organization (so all the clients folders aren't duplicated somewhere else), but I don't want the user to be able to view, edit or add to that folder via JFU. I tried excluding '.gallery' and that doesn't work. I tried renaming the folder 'gallery.hid' and excluding 'hid' files but that doesn't work either. It really should just not show hidden folders, plain and simple... that's the point of hiding them on the system level. But if JFU doesn't do that automatically, is there a workaround or fix to hide folders from the JFU view? Thanks.