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 Post subject: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 21. May 2013, 23:13 

Joined: 25. Jun 2012, 12:39
Posts: 8

I use the professional version and i have a problem with upload.

When in a folder, i want to upload a file. It appears in upload queue but when i validate (even if status says upload completed) no files appear and the upload screen seems freezed as i can't anymore navigate throw my folders. I refresh my web page but there is no files.

Thanks in advance for your help

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 22. May 2013, 16:40 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Please enable the upload debug on the config page and check the log file then.

Best, Michael

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 22. May 2013, 19:06 

Joined: 25. Jun 2012, 12:39
Posts: 8
Thanks for reply,

I get the following lines in log after i try to upload a file

5.22.2013 19:02:50 - Config call, illegal direct access or missing session settings - your browser has to be closed to get a new session. Please check your session_save_path if you get this error all the time or create the folder session_cache in the tfu folder to activate the session workaround.
05.22.2013 19:02:50 - It can be possible that someone tried to upload something without permissions! If you think this is the case the IP of this user is logged: He tried to upload the following file: agenda.png
05.22.2013 19:02:50 - ERROR 8 in onents/com_jfuploader/tfu/tfu_helper.php, line 1410: Undefined index: TFU_RN
05.22.2013 19:02:50 - ERROR 8 in onents/com_jfuploader/tfu/tfu_helper.php, line 1411: Undefined index: TFU_RN
05.22.2013 19:02:50 - Security tokens did not match. Session: : param 1363591478226435983949245024767 no further actions are allowed.
05.22.2013 19:02:51 - Security tokens did not match. Session: 1363591478226435983949245024767 : param 1363591478226435983949242274527 no further actions are allowed.

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 09:42 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Which versions do you use?

Best, Michael

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 14:30 

Joined: 25. Jun 2012, 12:39
Posts: 8
I use the latest version 3.0.3

The upload worked previously so it is perhaps something linked to the server configuration as recently i updated my mutualized hosting (ovh) from perso plan to premium plan.


 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 14:41 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
So you might have to check if the session_save_path is set correctly and is writeable.

Best, Michael

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 14:45 

Joined: 25. Jun 2012, 12:39
Posts: 8
Where can i check that ?

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 15:46 

Joined: 25. Jun 2012, 12:39
Posts: 8
OK i did the following :

- I put Joomla Session Handler to "none" and i create a session_cache folder in the tfu folder.

- I log to my site as an authorized (to upload) user

First upload => It seems to work but on log last line is "Security tokens did not match". I have to refresh the page to see the uploaded file.

Second upload => It doesn't work. Log says "Session data could no be restored"

5.23.2013 15:33:53 - 1. Config loaded
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 2. Authenification sucessfull
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 3. Directory read: ./__/__/__/__/images/uploaders/63/Documents/Favoris
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 3a. $_FILES content:
[Filedata] => Array
[name] => Tarifs - Février 2013.pdf
[type] => application/octet-stream
[tmp_name] => /var/log/tmp/phpxZqD3f
[error] => 0
[size] => 167990


05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 4. Check valid extension: Tarifs - Février 2013.pdf
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 4a. Extension valid.
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 5. Before move_uploaded_file : /var/log/tmp/phpxZqD3f -> ./__/__/__/__/images/uploaders/63/Documents/Favoris/Tarifs - Fevrier 2013.pdf
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 5a. After move_uploaded_file.
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 6. Uploaded.
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 7. Internal processing done.
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 9. End upload
05.23.2013 15:33:53 - 10. End store session
05.23.2013 15:33:54 - Security tokens did not match. Session: 1367154832609568461099314876999 : param 1367154832609568461099316129135 no further actions are allowed.

05.23.2013 15:35:18 - Session data could no be restored :a:8:{s:9:"__default";a:6:{s:15:"session.counter";i:2;s:19:"session.timer.start";i:1369316034;s:18:"session.timer.last";i:1369316034;s:17:"";i:1369316114;s:22:"session.client.browser";s:72:"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0";s:4:"user";O:5:"JUser":25:{s:9:"*isRoot";b:0;s:2:"id";s:2:"63";s:4:"name";s:22:"......

 Post subject: Re: Problem with upload
PostPosted: 23. May 2013, 16:05 
Site Admin
User avatar

Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
Do you get any entries in the session_cache folder?

About session save path. Check:

Best, Michael

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