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 Post subject: Empty title (caption)
PostPosted: 29. Jun 2014, 07:46 

Joined: 28. Jun 2014, 15:43
Posts: 15
I'd like to have some pictures with title (caption) and some other without any title. For this reason, I can't just deactivate the title. I'm importing my pictures from cameras with Dropbox, which names them "2014-06-23 14.23.34.jpg).

2 questions:
- Where to configure that this is a "camera" name, and not a valid title ?
- How can I leave a picture without title (or blank) ?


BTW, congrat for this nice gallery !!

PostPosted: 29. Jun 2014, 12:26 
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
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See the following options:

$show_captions = true; // (true/false) you can hide the menu element to enter a caption
$autodetect_filenames_as_captions=true; // (true/false) if true the filename is taken as caption if the filename contains less then $autodetect_filenames_as_captions_number numbers (e.g. Hello. jpg is o.k, CIM12345.jpg is not). if false - filenames are not used;
$remove_x_chars_from_filename=0; // (Number) If you use filenames as captions and want to use a prefix for sorting you can set the number of chars that are not displayed from the filename (e.g. if you set it to 3 '12_name' is displaded as 'name')
$autodetect_filenames_as_captions_number=99; // (Number) If you set $autodetect_filenames_as_captions = true you can set the number of numbers that are allowed in a filename that it is used as caption. e.g. setting this to 3 means 3 numbers are allowed in a filename to be used as a default caption - if a filename has 4 numbers it is not used as default. By default the number is now really high (99 is like: use it always) so that you have to reduce this number to not use camera names like CIM12345.jpg.

$autodetect_filenames_as_captions_number can be uses to detect camera names.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 29. Jun 2014, 15:00 

Joined: 28. Jun 2014, 15:43
Posts: 15
Thanks Michael,
Should I put that in config.php or my_config.php ?
Thanks so much for your help !

PostPosted: 29. Jun 2014, 21:18 
Site Admin
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Joined: 1. Aug 2005, 12:53
Posts: 11232
my_config.php if you use this file. Otherwise in the free text field in the administration. (This also uses my_config.php but alsi set an extra field that I can read the settings again).

Never config.php because each update does include this file.

Best, Michael

PostPosted: 30. Jun 2014, 01:13 

Joined: 28. Jun 2014, 15:43
Posts: 15
Yes, I'm sorry having asked the question...

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