I've also send this by email (a little different but witht he same message(s)):
I have registrated my twg, but i can't test if it works.
On my localhost it says i need a better GDlib (error message:
Function 'imagecreatetruecolor' is not available - GDlib > 2.0.1 is needed to run TinyWebGallery properly!
and the online website i've registered for is different than the one i get the license for, the license is for balpopulair.be, but it should be balpopulairegierle.be so..
Also, i would like to know in which functions (how) the comments and the votes are written. Which functions / how exactly? because i want to make it db driven (so i need to know what is send to what function so i can change that function to NOT write it in a .txt but add it to a mysql database.
So basically : which functions are used + please change my license from balpopulair.be to balpopulairegierle.be ! Also: any idea how i can update my GDlib (using easyPHP as localhost-server-starter)?
I also tried to put the twg on another website (utmproductions.be/bp) but it didn't work, the POWERED BY TWG still popped up so...
Please help me quickly because the site should be finished ASAP!!
(The email the license is given to is