TinyWebGallery wrote:
ios is very often a problem as apple does ignore a lot of settings. Then often the page itself has to be modified.
So one option could be that for IOS you use the browser detection and display a link for the users instead of including an iframe.
The last thing you can try is to use the external workaround even on the same domain.
Means to include the ai_external to the other page and configure it there. The reason to do this that the resize part on the same domain works differently as on the external domain. As on the external domain the Javascript is included directly I have more power to modify/measure the page.
http://www.tinywebgallery.com/blog/advanced-iframe/advanced-iframe-pro-demo/external-workaround-with-post-message The first example shows you this.
You also have an error still on the page:
Uncaught ReferenceError: aiResizeIframe is not defined. This happens if ai.js is not loaded yet.
I also don't understand why you have this on your page:
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://woodshomes.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://woodshomes.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://woodshomes.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/includes/scripts/jquery.ba-resize.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://woodshomes.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://woodshomes.co.uk/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/includes/scripts/jquery.ba-resize.min.js'></script>
should be on http://woodshomes.co.uk/catalogue/xml/propertydetailsv5.php
Also you have included the ai.js at the bottom and not at the top like I have recommended in my last post. Maybe the loading on desktop is different as on IOS and therefore this does make a difference!
Also on your page the "hide show details" section is not there anymore. Have you changed something there?
Best, Michael
The links to the external files are included via the plugin in the woodhomes.
The propertydetailsv5.php IS the file that needs to be shown in the iframe, so assumed we do not want to add it to that file as well as the plugin seems to add the refererences itself.
Actually totally confused on how to use the plugin now! Thought it was straightforward, but now not sure what to include and where. So:
* Both the main WP site with the plugin and the file to be shown in the iframe are on the
same domain* The included PHP file (propertydetailsv5.php) has a form header (that is not shown when submitted)
* Once submitted the same PHP file (propertydetailsv5.php) is displayed in the second iframe on the page (lower) but this time with code does not show the search form
* The top search form does not display properly Nor does the lower results
Have tried everything...
Content of the top search area with the iframe pro content = propertydetailsv5.php[advanced_iframe securitykey="key_here" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="http://woodshomes.co.uk/catalogue/xml/propertydetailsv5.php" onload_resize="true" width="100%" resize_on_element_resize="#wd_psearch" resize_on_element_resize_delay="200" target="wd_search_results" id="wd_newsearch" content_id=".ai-class-0" content_styles="" add_css_class_parent="true" scrolling="no" show_iframe_loader="true" hide_page_until_loaded="true" enable_responsive_iframe="true" resize_on_ajax="5" resize_on_ajax_jquery="true" transparency="true" iframe_hide_elements="h3#search_heading"]
When submitted the search shows the results (again as above stated, the same propertydetailsv5.php) in the SECOND iframe on the page with this:[advanced_iframe securitykey="key_here" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" name="wd_search_results" id="wd_search_results" src="" width="100%" scrolling="no" resize_on_element_resize="#wd_psearch_results" hide_page_until_loaded="true" content_styles="" iframe_content_styles="background-color: #fff;" onload_resize="true" resize_on_click="100" enable_responsive_iframe="true" resize_on_ajax="5" resize_on_ajax_jquery="true" transparency="true" additional_height="1500" iframe_hide_elements=".wd_hide"]
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| Woods Homes website home page |
| +-------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------+
| | | | ^ |
| | | | | Search area using the file: |
| | | | | propertydetails^5.php |
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| | LOGO's | | | But just shows the search form |
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| | | | | IFRAME PRO (#1) + |
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| | ^ IFRAME PRO (#2)| |
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| | | Search RESULTS using the same file: | |
| | | propertydetails^5.php <-------+ |
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| | | BUT not showing the search form as the |
| | | search has been started + just shows the |
| | | results of the search |
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| | NEEDS TO BE RESPONSIVE +--------------------------------------------> |
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