Hello Michael,
Well it did not take too long.
Simply inserting some jave to redirect to the main page kills the rest of the php page.
I do belive it can work it's just that I am a real amateur when it come to coding.
Can you give me some suggestions on how to insert this code into the php code?
Here are the snipets:
The Java:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "http://www.google.com/"
The php:
} else {
$output = substr($localdir, strlen($basedir) + 1);
echo "The album '" . $output . "' cannot be found and is maybe not available anymore." ;
echo "<br />Please close the browser to delete the session because TWG is caching the direcotry infomation there.";
echo "<p>If you came with a direct link please check the directory name.<br>Please go back the the main page and navigate to the album you are looking for.</p>";
set_error_handler("on_error_no_output"); // @ does not work!
@unlink($xmldir . "/" . $output . "_kommentar_text.xml");
@unlink($xmldir . "/" . $output . "_image_text.xml");
return null;
Thanks for looking at it. Any help is always appreciated.