"Disorted thumbnails? you can turn off the clipping if you mean that."
THX I'll try that tomorrow.
My high res images are 7 MB. If I click on a small image I see a window centered on but smaller than my browser window. It takes my server 4ever to downsize to an image for this window (Perhaps you call it a pop up window) There is no way to download the high res image from this image.
My server (as are most servers) is limited in memory and, with today's high res images, is not given enough memory to produce the 120 or 400 high images. Hence, I make them and upload them to the cache directory. I strongly recommend Easy Thumbnails to produce the smaller images (FREE and good)
What would be nice is to be able to download the high res image directly from the small image. My server is SLOW (very slow). The 400 pixel high images are enough for people to if know they want to download the high res image.
Any road, I just want to let people download the high res image in some way and nobody can now. I have "$enable_download = true;" in my_config.php...
I've got computer programmers (like me) telling me to abandon TWG. But I know this is just about the final hurdle and TWG can do what I want and more.
Alan (strong TWG supporter)