I have spent many hours reading the forum, config files and FAQ, but I can't get it right... please help
I need to set watermark for all albums in a sub album (I am using $multi_root_mode=true;)
I decided to put a config.php, watermark.png and watermark.txt files in each album folder in the sub album (so a 3rd level folder), but with no luck! I would love to be able to not have to put the files in each album, so if there is a way of just having them in the root folder (2nd level).
This is the config.php file I have put in the folder:
$font = dirname(__FILE__) . '/verdana.ttf';
$textcolor_R = 255;
$textcolor_G = 255;
$textcolor_B = 255;
$print_watermark = true;
$watermark_small = 'buttons/watermark_small.png';
$watermark_big = 'buttons/watermark.png';
$position= 5;
$transparency= 60;
$t_x= 0;
$t_y= 0;
I have not been altering the config.php file. I have deleted the cache on the server and local browser every time I change something.
Where do I start in troubleshooting this?
Love the script, I used it with a couple of clients so far