Ok, I have updated to 2.10.4 The following code works:
// email confirmation sent to user
$to = "someone@something.com";
$subject = "You have uploaded files to Endeleo";
$body = "Hi,\n\nYou have uploaded the following files to Endeleo: $filename . $useremail";
mail($to, $subject, $body);
and produces the following in the tfu.log:
10.27.2009 20:13:06 - testuser | Iambetterthanyourkids.doc | ./__/__/__/__/studentfolders/fd_year1/testuser | ./__/__/__/__/studentfolders/fd_year1/testuser/Iambetterthanyourkids.doc | 237 | testuser testuser | someone@something.com
I have then tried the following code:
// email confirmation sent to user
$subject = "You have uploaded files to Endeleo";
$body = "Hi,\n\nYou have uploaded the following files to Endeleo: $filename . $useremail";
mail($useremail, $subject, $body);
and this produces the following in the tfu.log file:
10.28.2009 11:13:36 - testuser | MMR comments 2006.doc | ./__/__/__/__/studentfolders/fd_year1/testuser | ./__/__/__/__/studentfolders/fd_year1/testuser/MMR comments 2006.doc | 237 | testuser testuser | someone@something.com
However, I am not getting an email at the specified email address contained in the $useremail variable when a user logs in.