hab die .htuser.php geändert
* TWG Flash uploader 2.5
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 TinyWebGallery
* written by Michael Dempfle
* Basic password file for TFU. Used for the easy login implemented
* in tfu_config.php
/** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */
defined( "_VALID_TWG" ) or die( "Direct Access to this location is not allowed." );
/* You can define users, passwords and their upload directories here! The directory has to exist!
Create one internal array for one user.
The array has the following structure
1. Loginname
2. Password (NOT encrypted - please change this if you want to have a more secure system!)
3. Upload folder - The folder has to be created manually with the read/write permissions!
4. Show the delete button. "", "true","false" are valid values! "" keeps the setting from the config!
5. Enable folder handling. "", "true","false" are valid values! "" keeps the setting from the config!
this does set $enable_folder_browsing $enable_folder_creation, $enable_folder_deletion,
); ?>
da hab ich das geändert
); ?>
die ../../ soll so sein .
damit der admin alle dateien auf der website sieht und darauf zugriff hat.
der admin soll der einzige benutzer sein.
muss das aktiv in der config sein ?
"$login_text=Please login
$relogin_text=Wrong Username/Password. Please retry