Please note: The registration is always valid for TWG (TinyWebGallery), TFU (TWG Flash Uploader), JFU (JFUploader) and WFU (WP Flash Uploader). You don't have to register these products seperately!
The watermarks on the images are only for demonstration and can be removed or modified in the config or the TWG Admin without registration. The ad's on the bottom of the main page can be removed by deleting overview.htm (like the text on the main page says). But it would still be nice that you register if you do this.
Bonus features
If you register TWG you get the following bonus features:

- You can use TWG without copyright notice and back/ad link
- Unlimited* version of the TWG Flash Uploader. No 3 MB popup anymore! - You get a license file that unlocks the standalone version that can be used in your own applications too! Go to the TFU section for more details
- Flash Thumbnail Strip - Get the flash thumbnail strip without the "For registered users only" - You can see different examples in some albums of the AJAX demo. (new 1.7.3)
- Album Explorer - shows an explorer like tree on the left side of the gallery - You can see an example in the AJAX demo.
- Album description - You can see an example on the overview page of the AJAX demo.
- "Lightbox"-Feature. On the thumbnaill page, the TopX and the image page you can activate the Lightbox-Script. It's like a quick view of the detail images in an overlay. Please go to the AJAX demo to see it in a working example. On the thumbnail page you have small zoom icons on every thumb. On the detail page the maxmized image is shown with the Lightbox-Script too.
- Generation of preview images for other file formats like mpg,avi in the TWG Admin.
- Captions can be entered at the upload with TFU with a professional license or higher.
- New TWG 2.0: SEO friendly urls can be enabled with a professional license or higher. See howto 44.
- New TWG 2.2: Make TWG responsive. See howto 57 and the responsive demo for details.
- New TWG 2.4: Unlimited html 5 uploader. The files that can be uploaded at once is not limited to one.
License types
Payment is possible by bank transfer, or Hard Rock Cafe Shot Glass**. The registration is a one time fee and does not expire.
The following license types are available:
The Standard Edition License is valid for one domain (or multi domain***). |
The Professional Edition License is valid for one domain (or multi domain***). All possible features are available in this edition. This license does activate the entering of captions during upload with TFU and also supports SEO friendly urls. For additional features of this license see JFU and TFU (details). For commercial use or if you like the additional features of JFU/TFU/WFU. |
An Enterprise Edition License for all your domains. You can use TWG/ TFU/JFU for your projects as often as you like. The license is only bound to you and not to a domain anymore. |
You can update anytime to a higher license type. Select the license you like and select your old license type in the registration page and enter your TWG id into the free text field. |
registration page of TFU/JFU. These licenses work for TWG as well. They are intended for users that e.g. want to integrate the flash into their site and/or want to modify it. | For TFU/JFU are some additional license models available. If you plan to use TFU/JFU as standalone version as well you should take a look at the
What is a commercial website?
A commercial website is a website which purpose is generating revenue or cash flow of any type, and that isn't under a non-profit organization. So if you're selling a product, selling advertisement, selling a service or just marketing a commercial business, your site is commercial. A company website is also commercial even if it doesn't sell anything, as it's purpose is to front a commercial company.
Getting a license is not buying a product but a permission to use TFU/TWG/JFU/WFU as described above.
Please not that you maybe have to get a seperate license for commercial sites if you use the html5 uploader plupload.
*) Unlimited : PLEASE NOTE: Unlimited is the limit of the upload queue! You still have a server side limit of each file! If this limit is e.g. 10 MB the maximum file size of a single file is 10 MB! This limit is set in the php.ini and has to be changed there! Read the FAQ if the TFU page for more details. A maximum of 2 GB per file is possible with optimal server configurations.
**) Hard Rock Cafe Shot Glass: I'm collecting shot glasses (4cl) from the Hardrock Cafe from all over the world (I have around 90 right now). If you live in a city with a Hardrock Cafe - please check here if I don't have it yet (and how it looks like). If I don't have it please add in the free text field which shot glass you could send me (Because maybe it's already on the way). Normally a shot glass is around $6-7 + shipping. People who choose this way get a free professional license or an upgrade to the next higher license!
***) Multidomains : You have more then one domain for the same project, you only have to register once. Requirement is that it is the same web page. e.g. = = == "My homepage. For trialpay multidomain registrations are not supported.