Please Note: The registration file is always valid for TWG (TinyWebGallery), TFU (TWG Flash Uploader), JFU (JFUploader) and WFU (WP Flash Uploader). You don't have to register these products seperately!
Bonus features
If you register you get the following extra features:

- Unlimited* version of the TWG Flash Uploader.
No 3 MB popup anymore! - Download of files
- View, create and edit of text files
- Javascript events
- Titel and some text labels can be changed by configuration.
- Limit the number of files that can be uploaded to a directory of the server .
- New 2.14: A quota for directories can be set.
- Professional license and above:
- The colors of the flash can be configured.
- Copy/move files and move folders
- Description mode. A description can be entered for each file
- Completely anonymous flash: The ? can be turned off
- Reading of form fields.
- New 2.11: Big progress bar. Go here for additional progress bars.
- New 3.0: Colors of the "Add files" and "Upload" button can be set.
License types
Payment is possible by bank transfer, or Hard Rock Cafe Shot Glass**. The registration is a one time fee and does not expire.
The following license models are available:
The Standard Edition License is valid for one domain (or multi domain***). |
The Professional Edition License is valid for one domain (or multi domain***). |
The Enterprise Edition License is valid for all your domains. You can use the flash for your projects as often as you like. The license is only bound to you and not to a domain anymore. All possible features are available in this edition. |
A source code license where you get the .fla with all the actions script files. Valid for one domain (or multi domain***). All possible features are available in this edition. Please go here for more details about this license type. |
A bundle of source code license + Enterprise license for €129 instead of €148. Please go here for more details about this license type. |
Please go here for more details about this license type. | It's possible to get a redistribution license too. This makes it possible to integrate TFU into your own application and redistribute TFU with it.
You get a free Standard Edition License if you register a new web space at arvixe by clicking on the banner. I have tested them and they offer everything you need to run TWG/TFU/JFU fast and reliable. If you are looking for a provider you should take a look. Simply go there by clicking on the banner on the right and tell me by e-mail if you decide to register and get a free Standard Edition License on top. |
You can update anytime to a higher license type. Select the license you like and select your old license type in the registration page and enter your TWG id into the free text field. |
What is a commercial website?
A commercial website is a website which purpose is generating revenue or cash flow of any type, and that isn't under a non-profit organization. So if you're selling a product, selling advertisement, selling a service or just marketing a commercial business, your site is commercial. A company website is also commercial even if it doesn't sell anything, as it's purpose is to front a commercial company.
Getting a license is not buying a product but a permission to use TFU/TWG/JFU/WFU as described above.
*) Unlimited : PLEASE NOTE: Unlimited is the limit of the upload queue! You still have a server side limit of each file! If this limit is e.g. 10 MB the maximum file size of a single file is 10 MB! This limit is set in the php.ini and has to be changed there! Read the FAQ if the TFU page for more details. A maximum of 2 GB per file is possible with optimal server configurations.
**) Hard Rock Cafe Shot Glass: I'm collecting shot glasses (4cl) from the Hardrock Cafe from all over the world (I have around 80 right now). If you live in a city with a Hardrock Cafe - please check here if I don't have it yet (and how it looks like). If I don't have it please add in the free text field which shot glass you could send me (Because maybe it's already on the way). Normally a shot glass is around $5-6 + shipping. People who choose this way get a free professional license or (for a Standard License) a free installation of TWG/TFU on top that is normaly 20 EUR!
***) Multidomains : You have more then one domain for the same project, you only have to register once. Requirement is that it is the same web page. e.g. = = == "My homepage". For trialpay multidomain registrations are not supported.